
On this page you can find the policies and procedures that govern our day-to-day operations, our service level aspirations and underpin our customer-focused approach.


Title File Size
Accident Incident And Near Miss Policy Sept 2027 60KB
Allocation Policy 152KB
Anti Social Behaviour Policy 220KB
Business Plan 2022 2025 386KB
CCTV Usage Policy June 2025 124KB
Charitable Model Rules Scotland 2020 330KB
Code Of Conduct for Governing Body 201KB
Code Of Conduct for Staff Members 267KB
Complaints Handling Procedure 928KB
Complaints Leaflet Apr 20227 441KB
Conflict Of Interest Policy and Procedure Board Staff Oct 2025 123KB
Customer Charter Policy 117KB
Data Protection And Confidentiality Policy 155KB
Declaration Of Interests Form Oct 2025 76KB
Decoration Allowance Policy 208KB
Entitlements Payments And Benefits Policy 165KB
1 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy Nov 2022 552KB
Equal Opportunities Policy 129KB
Fair Processing Notice 172KB
GDPR Recruitment And Selection Privacy Notice 113KB
Health And Safety Policy 39KB
Information Charging Policy 117KB
Asset Management Strategy 883KB
Maintenance Policy 216KB
Estate Management Policy 107KB
Emergency Repair Guide 94KB
Medical Adaptation Leaflet 349KB
Medical Adaptations Policy 398KB
Membership Policy 93KB
Mutual Exchange Policy 176KB
Repair Responsibilities 53KB
Recharge Policy 258KB
Asbestos Policy And Management Plan 614KB
OVHA Rules 2022 330KB
Pet Policy Revised 2024 209KB
Privacy Policy 131KB
Register Of Interests 78KB
Rent Collection And Arrears Policy 91KB
Rent Setting Policy 106KB
Void Policy And Procedures 269KB
Smoke Free Policy Apr 2022 49KB
Standing Orders 106KB
Stress Mental Health And Wellbeing Policy 253KB
Succession Policy 272KB
Tenant Participation Strategy 2022 2025 485KB
Procurement Policy July 2027 54KB
Joint Statement On Fair Work First 92KB
Flexible Working Policy 226KB
Hybrid Working Policy 149KB