Ore Valley Energy

The Fife Community Wind project saw the installation of a 500kW wind turbine near Dundonald, south of Cardenden. The turbine generates green energy that is exported back to the grid.

The Dundonald Community Wind turbine entered operation in 2017 and delivers clean renewable energy back to the National Grid over its planned 25 year life. The power generated is sold to a commercial utility provider and the turbine also benefits from subsidies that support the generation of renewable power including the Feed-In-Tariff (where necessary) and other power sales agreements.

(Video copyright of European Energy Efficiency Fund - https://www.eeef.lu )


OVHA splits the turbine's profits 50/50 between itself and the local community, with the community share distributed through grants for local ventures and worthy projects.

Secondly, the green electricity the wind turbine generates contributes to Scotland's national carbon saving aspirations, which benefits everybody and the planet!