Ore Valley Housing Association
Ore Valley Housing Association is a Registered Social Landlord providing over 750 affordable, quality homes for families across central Fife. Ore Valley Housing Association also provides seven retail units in Main Street, Lochgelly. and Cowdenbeath High Street
Our vision is for everyone to have the opportunity to lead healthy fulfilling lives and we try to achieve this by supporting communities as well as providing good quality homes.
The following values underpin the way we behave and work and are at the heart of everything we do:
- We will be a responsible and caring landlord and employer
- We will be open and accountable for everything we do
- We will be proactive and innovative in dealing with opportunities and problems
- We will be honest, approachable and reliable
- We will be respectful and give fair treatment to everyone
- We will listen to and learn from our customers and other networks