Ore Valley Group

The Ore Valley Group unifies our separate companies that deliver a variety of services for the local community under one banner. The constituent parts of the Group are outlined below:

Ore Valley Housing Association provides over 750 homes around central Fife for social rent, along with seven retail units located in Lochgelly and Cowdenbeath.

Ore Valley Enterprises provides affordable 'Mid Market' rent properties across 5 developments within Fife.

Ore Valley Community Initiatives manages the Lochgelly Miners' Institute and the Ore Valley Business Centre commercial premises and our wider community regeneration projects..

Cardenden Heat and Power (CHAP) is the entity that manages our renewable energy and sustainability projects. Within CHAP are two further subsidiaries: Ore Valley Energy Ltd. which manages the wind turbine at Dundonald, and Ore Valley Heating Ltd. which helped fund the boiler replacement programme for Ore Valley Housing Association.