Covid-19 and Repairs
During the past 18 months we have worked closely with our contractors to ensure that there has been a functioning repairs service, so that firstly emergency repairs could be undertaken. More recently the full repairs service has been resumed including all repairs and some of our planned maintenance projects.
Repair and maintenance work is carried out subject to a risk assessment carried out by our contractors.
We are reliant on our tenants confirming that they have no concerns about Covid-19 before allowing contractors to enter their property.
Unfortunately we have recently had cases where tenants have only disclosed Covid positive tests or close contact with someone who has tested positive, after the repair work has been completed.
This places us and our contractors in a very difficult position, with our contractors operatives then having to take additional tests and possibly isolation measures prior to being able to resume work.
We ask all of our tenants for open and honest co-operation in terms of any concerns or risks around covid testing and close contacts, so that we and our contractors can continue to provide the best possible service despite the many challenges faced.